Dec 24, 2020
Dr. Sridhar (host of the Straight from the Cutter's Mouth podcast) discusses his recent article on the trends of women's representation in VR meetings in the US between 2015 and 2019.
The discusses article:
Sridhar J, Kuriyan AE, Yonekawa Y, Berrocal A, Khan MA, Chan RVP, Haller JA. Representation of Women in...
Dec 3, 2020
Dr. Pereira speaks about his group’s report on retinal findings in patients with severe COVID-19 infections who were admitted in the ICU.
Discussed article:
Pereira LA, Soares LCM, Nascimento PA, et al. Br J Ophthalmol Epub ahead of print: [please include Day Month Year]. doi:10.1136/bjophthalmol- 2020-317576